Sunday 21 November 2010


Asia is pretty well known for its neon light addiction - and South Korea is no exception! It makes you wonder what good our energy saving lightbulbs are doing back home when you can see the bright hues of Asia from space. That said, walking through the blazing night markets of Seoul with K-pop blaring out from competing shops speakers whilst getting crushed in the shopping stampede, is pretty amazing. And seeing as Lee 'needed' a new pair of jeans and I 'needed' a new camera.....there was no better excuse to head to Myeongdong....the night market capital of Korea.

Myeongdong was amazing! To think I've spent the last year trying to squeeze myself into the hankerchief-sized clothing being sold around the rest of the country, when all this time there were normal shops in Myeongdong! It's a wonderful balance of western clothes shops inside and hundreds of Korean market clothes stalls outside....all of it at super cheap prices. So we went a bit shopping happy.

Actually, I think Myeongdong was more heaven for Lee than it was for me! In the rest of Korea, as a female, so long as you can squeeze into the clothes on offer they are actually pretty nice. As a man you're screwed. The size is a problem, with the jeans waist being a maximum of 30, but the fashion is worse. The current mens fashion is super feminine / super skinny.... best demonstrated by Shinee boy band below, and better demonstrated in their music video unless Lee fancied donning some pastel pink skinny jeans he was going to have some shoppng problems this year. So thank you Myeongdong! No glitter, thigh rips, stonewash or skinny jeans in sight.

Myeongdong also has a whole array of hot food street stalls, ranging from Korean style kebabs, to dried squid tentacles, to the usual spicy dok-boki (rice cakes in a spicy sauce) and meat on sticks (what type of meat is questionable).

So we filled oursleves up on kebab (it's not often you find kebab in Korea!) and headed home. At least I now know where i'll be doing all my Christmas shopping.....


  1. Looking forward to a squid tenacle for christmas mich xx

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